Vamhi Subscription for Jira
Subscription manager for Jira and much more
Subscription manager for Jira and much more
Vamhi Jira+ is an essential plugin for subscription management within Jira. Empower administrators to oversee and control
user enrollments with features like restriction of large group enrollments and real-time monitoring of subscriptions. Streamline
subscription management for enhanced efficiency and organization in your Jira environment.
Restrict Large Group Subscriptions
Restrict Large Group Subscriptions
Efficiently manage your Jira group subscriptions and prevent over-subscription with our powerful plugin.
Detailed Subscription Change Log
Detailed Subscription Change Log
Enhance your Jira project management by controlling group subscriptions with our intuitive and secure plugin.
Easily Modify Subscription Settings
Easily Modify Subscription Settings
Streamline your team's subscription process in Jira, ensuring optimal resource allocation and access control.
How to's
How to's